When most people think of air quality, they first think about pollution from cars and factories.

What they do not realize, though, is that indoor air quality is just as important as, if not more important than, outdoor air quality.

After all, the average person spends approximately 90 percent of their time inside.

Do you have concerns about your indoor air quality? Are you unsure of how to improve it?

If so, read on for six helpful steps that you can take today to clean up the air in your home.

Risks of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Long-term exposure to dirty indoor air can contribute to a lot of health issues.
Here are some of the most well-known risks associated with poor indoor air quality:

  • Eye itchiness/irritation
  • Nose and/or throat irritation
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue

Poor air quality can exacerbate other health conditions, too. People with asthma, for example, might notice their symptoms get worse when the air quality in their homes drops.

With poor air quality also comes to a greater risk of developing chronic diseases. This includes illnesses like respiratory disease, heart disease, and even cancer.

Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality

How do you know if the air quality in your home or apartment is subpar?
Here are some warning signs to watch out for:

  • Increased dust buildup
  • Inconsistent air distribution (some parts of the house get colder than others when the air conditioner is running)
  • Changes in humidity (the air is more or less humid than usual)
  • Mold or mildew growth
  • Strange odors

If you notice any of these and are also experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, the air quality in your home may have diminished.

If this is the case, you should act before it gets worse.

6 Steps to Improve Indoor Air Quality

It is important to make your indoor air quality a priority.
If you’re not sure where to begin, here are six steps you can take right away to start making a difference:

1. Keep Rugs and Carpets Clean

One of the easiest ways to address the air quality in your home is to keep it clean. Pay special attention to your rugs and carpets when you’re cleaning up your house.

These surfaces can collect a lot of dust, dirt, and debris (especially if you have pets or if you and your family tend to wear shoes inside the house).

Those things then end up getting circulated throughout your whole house when you turn the air conditioner on or even just walk around.

Make it a point to vacuum your rugs and carpets consistently.

Vacuuming at least once per week is a good place to start. You might need to do this more often, though, if you have pets.

2. Control Humidity

If your house is too humid, you may be more prone to mold growth, which impacts your air quality and can contribute to or exacerbate the health challenges mentioned above.

Too little humidity is problematic as well, though. It can make symptoms like coughing and eye irritation worse.

The goal should be to find a happy medium.

Everyone’s humidity preferences are a bit different, but 30-50 percent humidity is generally considered to be ideal.

3. Invest in Indoor Plants

If you want to purify the air in your home and spruce up your decor, consider investing in some indoor plants. Certain types of plants do a great job of purifying the air naturally by pulling contaminants out of the air and converting carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen.

The following are some of the best air-purifying plants to consider:

  • Spider Plants
  • Snake Plants
  • English Ivy
  • Barberton Daisies
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Aloe Vera
  • Chinese Evergreen

Worried about your lack of green thumb? Start with a snake plant. They require very little water or sunlight and are almost impossible to kill.

4. Address Your AC Filter

Often, problems with your air conditioner can contribute to or cause air quality issues. This is especially true during the summer when you are running it often during the day to try and cool down.

If you suspect that the air conditioner is part of the problem, start with the filter.

If it has not been cleaned or replaced in a long time, chances are you’re getting dust and dirt sent back out into the air every time you run your unit.

5. Check Your Air Ducts

Check your air ducts, too. If they are full of dust, dirt, and debris, your air isn’t going to be as pure as you’d like it to be.

If your ducts are not installed properly, they can also cause increased air contamination.

6. Schedule Regular AC Maintenance

When reading the tip listed above, you may have found yourself thinking, “I don’t know how to tell if my ducts are installed properly!”

Luckily for you, we do.

Call heating and cooling professionals (like our team at Dunbar Air) if you think your air conditioner is causing your air quality issues or making them worse.

They can come and take a look and help you get to the bottom of the situation. It’s important to schedule regular AC maintenance, too.

That way, you can catch problems as soon as possible and get them fixed before they lead to a serious decrease in your home’s air quality.

Let Us Help You Level Up Your Indoor Air Quality

As you can see, there are lots of ways to improve indoor air quality and make your home a healthier place.
Follow these steps and you will have cleaner air before you know it.

While you are implementing the tips listed above, pay special attention to your air conditioning system. Do you think your air conditioner is hurting your indoor air quality?

If so, our team at Dunbar Air can help you get it fixed so that it runs more efficiently and helps to keep things clean.

Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment.


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