At Punbar Air, we offer insulation assessment services in Houston and Katy.
    You might be asking yourself, what is an insulation assessment? Well, it is a system that covers and cushions your home to provide resistance to heat flow, making your energy consumption lower.

    What Are the Benefits?

    There are various benefits of insulation for your property, the most common ones are:

    • Promotes a safe and healthy environment
    • Lowers energy consumption
    • Increases property resale value
    • Added strength and protection for your home

    We offer different types of Insulation assessments in the area of Houston and Katy:

    • Interior wall insulation
    • Attic insulation

    Attic Insulation

    When it comes to heat loss in your home, your attic is the first culprit. Having sufficient insulation in your attic is crucial to prevent high energy bills.

    If you haven’t maintained your attic insulation, then it is probably aged. It will not give you an adequate heat decrease. With the constant changes of weather in Houston, your home is vulnerable to having its insulation damaged and not keeping the heat flowing from the inside out.

    Attic insulation

    At Punbar Air we assess your home insulation, bringing you the best heat reflection and insulation for your home. It will help you decrease your energy usage and save your money.

    Interior Wall Insulation

    Having insulation in your interior as well as your exterior walls will bring you a more formidable barrier against heat transfer. Having both walls insulated will dramatically reduce your home’s energy consumption. We assess your home’s interior walls. By having insulation in your interior walls, you will obtain protection from three kinds of heat transfer- convection, conduction, and radiation; allowing your home to hold cool temperatures in all types of weather.

    Recommended Home Insulation

    Energy Star has recommended insulation levels for your home depending on your geographic area. There are various levels of insulation that are ideal for different climates. Typically, colder climates require thicker insulation, whereas warmer and more humid states require less. According to Energy Star, the minimum insulation requirements for the Greater Houston area is between zone 2 and 3. Understanding which zone you are located in is important, because with the right insulation your home will help keep the temperature range you desire. Contact our team of experts today to ensure you get the correct insulation for your home!

    Interior wall insulation
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