Are you concerned about the quality of the air inside your home? You should be. Indoor air quality can greatly affect the health and well-being of your family members and pets. Poor indoor air quality can cause various health problems, including allergies, headaches, and respiratory problems. When it comes to managing pollutants in your home, the good news is that there are plenty of good ways for you to keep them from wreaking havoc on your health.
1. Open Your Windows
Keeping your windows open throughout the day can be one of the best ways to improve your indoor air quality because it allows fresh air to circulate. Fresh air is often recommended to keep indoor air clean and healthy. Instead of using your household fan in the summer, turn it off and use the natural flow of air that comes through your window. Doing this can help reduce pollutants like pollen and dust from building up in your home, which will help improve your indoor air quality. Additionally, opening windows can help lower moisture levels in the air, which can help reduce the growth of mold and mildew.
However, there are also a few caveats to consider when opening windows. For one thing, if you live in an urban area, avoid opening your windows during high traffic times because the pollutants from vehicles can easily make their way into your home. You should also limit how long you open windows when temperatures are extremely hot or cold to help keep your home at a comfortable temperature.
2. Use an Air Purifier
If you are serious about improving your indoor air quality, you might want to invest in an air purifier. There are many types of air purifiers on the market that can help you to cleanse your indoor air. They use a combination of filters and fans to pull the air through the purifier, remove impurities, and circulate cleaner air back into the room. An air purifier repeats this cycle several times an hour and can use a variety of processes, including ultraviolet light, ionic purifiers, and HEPA filters, to clean the air.
Purifiers can be a great solution if you have environmental allergies or shedding pets because they can remove pollen, dust, mold spores, and pet dander, all of which can trigger allergies and irritate sensitive respiratory passages. Air purifiers can also reduce odors, which can keep the musty smells of mold and mildew at bay. Different purifiers work to achieve different goals.
Ultraviolet light (UV) air purifiers use ultraviolet light to kill most airborne bacteria and viruses. This type of light is also known as germicidal or ultraviolet radiation. UV air purifiers do not remove particles such as dust or pollen, which could be a problem if you have allergies.
A HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) air purifier filters out most airborne particles. In theory, these purifiers remove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns. With this filter, most airborne particles are filtered and removed from your home, and your indoor air will become cleaner, fresher, and healthier. However, the downside to this type of filter is that it requires more maintenance. A HEPA filter must be cleaned regularly and needs to be replaced at least once a year.
Regardless of which air purifier you choose, it is important to use an air purifier rated for the size of your home. The best way to determine the size of the air purifier you will need for your home is to consult with a professional. A professional will understand the best type of purifier to meet your needs and the right-sized purifier to use in different-sized homes to ensure your new unit fits and functions properly.
3. Use Plants
If you are indoors a lot and want to improve your home’s indoor air quality further, there is another thing you can do. Place certain types of plants around your home and use them as air fresheners. Plants are nature’s air filters, absorbing polluting particles from the air and releasing clean, fresh oxygen in return. However, not just any type of plant will work for this purpose. You need to use plants that release oxygen into the surrounding atmosphere, which will help cleanse it and improve its quality. Some plants to consider include snake plants, spider plants, aloe vera plants, and chrysanthemums.
Nevertheless, while plants can help improve the quality of your home’s air, some can also be hazardous to your pets. Check the labels of plants to be sure they won’t be toxic to your pets or family members or place them out of reach of curious hands or paws.
4. Dust Regularly
Another way to improve the indoor air quality in your home is by dusting regularly. It may sound like a simple task that does not need to be mentioned, but it is an easy way to keep allergens under control. Dust can become airborne in your home, which means it can get into the lungs of those who live in your home. If you have allergies or asthma, dust can be particularly dangerous because reactions can be triggered when you breathe in dust.
The good news is that there are many things you can do to reduce the amount of dust in your home. Keep a clean house by regularly engaging in basic house cleaning chores. Vacuum your floors at least once per week, wash your floors with a damp mop, and use a feather duster to remove dust from hard-to-reach places. Declutter to minimize the places dust can accumulate, and exchange dusty curtains for easier-to-clean blinds and shades. Finally, change your HVAC filters on their recommended schedule.
5. Use Natural Cleaners
Instead of using harsh cleaners to clean your home, choose natural cleaners. They are often made from simpler ingredients, so they are safer for you and your family. Unlike chemical cleaners, natural cleaners do not have any harmful fumes that might irritate you or make you sick. Many people find that they prefer the way natural cleaners smell compared to those made with chemicals. You can also save money using natural cleaning products since they usually cost less than their chemical counterparts.
Final Thoughts
Maintaining good indoor air quality is essential to good health and quality of life. When you focus on improving the air quality in your home, you’ll discover many advantages as you feel healthier, enjoy fewer allergy symptoms, and have fewer harsh odors in your home.
Contact the Professionals
If you live in Houston and are looking for a company that can offer exceptional solutions to help improve your indoor air quality, call us at Punbar Air today. We will provide you with information and advice about indoor air quality and help you choose the right air purifier for your home. Additionally, we are experts in heating and cooling services, including installation, maintenance, and repair.